H&M jumper | Topshop MOM jeans | Red Herring bag | ZARA boots
Growing up, I always believed in fairytales. Those "happily ever after" stories shaped my innocent thinking regarding life and love. Back in the day, I can still remember how I admire Belle from the Beauty and the Beast so much that I actually thought she was my spirit animal. In fact, I had one of my gowns patterned before her trademark dress. That's how I love her and everything that is associated with fairytales in my childhood days. I really had thought that life is as perfect as those enchanting tales, but obviously it is a mistake. Fairytales are synonymous with masks. They cover up what reality is--that it is a world with ups and downs as well as twists and turns. But even though reality can be as harsh as it could possibly be, I would still choose it over the fairytale world. I would rather experience challenges and obstacles than be enclosed in a place full of candy-coloured lies. We cannot feel true happiness without being hurt. And without pain, how can we learn?
Regarding the look, I am just so thrilled with the sweater weather we are currently having here in Manila so I took the opportunity to don a winter-like getup. This time, I incorporated colors in my outfit but still keeping the grunge vibes with the jeans, the boots, and the messy hair. Yep, just a no-fuss-yet-statement-making outfit.
Gem x Argie
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